
A truly modular, jQuery compatible, ultra-lightweight (13Kb minified, 4Kb gzipped), JavaScript micro-library for modern browsers (IE 10+) meant to simplify the interaction with the DOM in the post-jQuery world, now that there are there are less and less differences between how browsers handle various JavaScript-related aspects and offer native support for most of the things that jQuery had to tackle and take care for us, behind the scenes, since its first release back in 2006.

Nevertheless, the need for a library to handle common tasks needed when interacting with the DOM becomes obvious for anyone writing JavaScript on a daily basis, as there's quite some code to write to handle various aspects of DOM manipulation.

ZebraJS retains jQuery's intuitive and simple syntax but the code behind is largely inspired from the excellent You Don't Need jQuery GitHub repository as well as the documentation on Mozilla Developer Network, and makes use of the modern browsers' improved support for manipulating DOM elements. Also, in line with the modern age's pursuit for byte saving, ZebraJS allows you to build customized versions of the library and include just the bits you need.

📔 Documentation

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💾 Custom build

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